6 Easy Ways to Add Waistline Shaping

Make it Fit - Tips for Knitters

1 Change to a smaller needle size. Machine knitters do this by changing the stitch size dial on their carriage. It tightens the stitch and shortens the row gauge slightly. When your garment is about 1/2 inch below your waist change to the smaller needle knit for 1 inch worth of rows and then change back to the original needle size. http://www.knittinguniverse.com/flash/knitters/GalleryDetail.php?IssueNum=79&ID=496

2 Use negative ease patterns. This idea is for those with confidence and no extra rolls around their waists. There are lots of patterns around that do this for you here's an example. http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEsummer08/PATTthira.html

3 Change to a different stitch pattern. The most basic of these is K1, P1 rib but many stitch patterns pull in and will provide a waistline as well as a little more style in a simple design. http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEsummer08/PATTheyteach.html

4 Use a row of eyelets to thread a ribbon through. This one is simple K1, YO across the garments waistline weave a ribbon through and tie it in a pretty bow to pull the garment in. http://www.knitonthenet.com/issue6/patterns/tropicana/

5 Use side shaping. Depending on your gauge decreasing 1 or 2 stitches at the side edges of your garment just below the waistline and then increasing above your waist back to the original number of stitches can easily remove an inch at the critical point. Don't over do this one or it causes the hem to bend at the center front and back. http://www.lionbrand.com/patterns/70314AD.html?noImages=0

6 Knit dressmaker darts by decreases and increases. Garments that have internal darts tend to fit the best. We can't always knit the dart shaping in as it can interfere with stitch patterns. Take a look at the beautiful fit of this garment. Its a chunky yarn so the extra shaping makes it much more flattering http://www.knitty.com/ISSUEspring03/PATTcherries.html