A Request for my Readers

I've been astounded by how many total strangers have been willing to participate and do my Professional Knitter interviews. A few have said no and a few more said yes but then never sent back the answers. But overall most of the interviews requested have already been posted or are scheduled for future dates. This has helped me to get braver and send off my request to many professionals who originally I was too intimidated to ask. I have a huge list of people that I will be approaching in the future as well.

I started this series because Dorothy Siemens of Fiddlesticks Knitting http://www.fiddlesticksknitting.com/ was kind enough to allow me to take her out for coffee and a pastry and pester her with a million questions about her business - how she started and how she made various decisions along the way. She was so very gracious answering my questions and told me she had done exactly the same thing with Sally Melville. http://www.sallymelvilleknits.com/ This was part of my process in making the decision to quit my own job and transition to a new career. I haven't quit my day job yet but I'll post later when that does happen. My knitting friends were all interested in hearing the details of my meeting with Dorothy which was what gave me the idea to do an Interview series.

I do have two requests for you the readers.
1) Could you please post in the comments the name of other Knitting Professionals that you would like to see interviewed and I will send them an invitation.

2) Could you also please add my blog to your RSS feed? (Having more acknowledged readers may sway some of the Knitters I ask to do the interview to participate).

Thank you to everyone who is already following me as it does encourage me knowing that other Knitters are interested in what I'm posting.