Lady in Waiting (or always have an easy knitting project ready to go)

This is the first day I've not been to the hospital. My Dad had his surgery last Sunday after falling on the previous Friday morning. My sister and I have been everyday. We've realized we can't keep that up so we are now going separately on alternate days. Unfortunately he is in a hospital in the far east end of the city and I live in the west end so the commute has been a major time suck.

Tomorrow my good friend Wanda will be driving me there and if things go well we will go out afterwards for dinner and a movie. Last Sunday I had brunch out with a group of friends and when I got to the hospital later I realized it really is true that you need to distance yourself for a least short periods of time, after having decompressed with them I really felt recharged and as though I had more resources to deal with the situation.

Last year after our first hospital experience with him I kept an outfit on a hanger at one end of my closet so that I could always get dressed at a moments notice if we got another emergency call. I never thought to make sure I would have knitting as well. This time I was just about to start a new knitting project so I grabbed that and took it with me. I did the swatches while sitting with him waiting for the surgery. Unfortunately I could not deal with working out the numbers for the sample. Instead I decided it's time for a simple project so I'm now working on what my husband has dubbed the Lady in Waiting Scarf. It's one step up from a plain garter stitch pattern and I had to put markers in to keep track of a K1, P1 row!!!!!!

Ouch, It's amazing how being stressed knocks out basic intellectual capabilities. I even messed up on the K1, P1 rows. I can tell my eye was looking for something cheerful. I pulled a solid orange and variegated pink, orange and yellow yarn out of my stash to work on. It will be a long scarf that can be wrapped around your neck more than once.

I sent 3 interview requests out today so I hope to get back to posting on the blog this week and will post an interview if anyone gets back to me by Wednesday.