A South African Knitting Business

I came across an article  recently about Anna Loubser, a Knitter who is producing finished items for sale. You can find the complete article here and her website is here.

I see a lot of knitted items available at http://www.etsy.com/ as well as at various craft shows and events and sometimes think (only for an instant) maybe I should test that market as well. To be honest the thought of re-knitting the same item over and over does not appeal to me. I'm always onto the next creation before I can barely finish writing my patterns as it is.

Anna says "I have a group of eight women who’ve been knitting for me for the last two years. When we started, they were hesitant to do the difficult patterns, but now they challenge each other. They work extremely hard and take pride in what they do. We’ve grown together and I’m lucky to have them". 

She is producing a range of toys, home decor items, handbags and accessories. I wasn't able to find any prices so I'm not sure if these items are as expensive as the last knitting product business that I wrote about here. I do find it interesting that this is the second article I've found about this type of product based knitting business in the last month.