I've continued working on the design, reached the middle point and started my decreases. I'm loving it, the colour variations are gorgeous and when I lay my gloves against the knitting they look beautiful.
I was innocently knitting away when I made my first big mistake. Duh, I know better! I didn't do a sample of the final point just before casting off. I got cocky and thought I could wing it at the end working the chart and the knitting together like I did on the first point. So I tore back and tried it a few times eventually getting an acceptable point but not completely symmetrical with the first point. I realized I needed a new mid-point strategy. I blocked it anyway. I had planned for the point of the triangle to line up with a point in the sawtooth lace but once I got to the end I realized it just wouldn't work because I run out of stitches on the decreases before I get the the right spot to start the final tip of the scarf. Please imagine me banging my forehead on the table in front of me as I type this and repeat to myself that a failure to plan is a plan to fail.
I worked more samples and the corresponding charts are created and I dig through my stash for a fresh skein of sock yarn. Which I then have to swatch to make sure the same needle size will create the same fabric. In the end I'm happy with the fabric even though I get a slightly different gauge.So I started again with Dream in Color's Starry in a Fuchsia colourway called Ruby River. Now I reveal another secret. Yes, I do have gloves to match. I have a thing for coloured gloves. I am a "matchanista", something that only people who have seen me in real life know.
The exciting conclusion of the Evelyn Howard scarf will be coming soon, as soon as I finish knitting the second sample that is.