Knitting on Planes

Like all Knitters planning for vacation, knitting is at the top of the list when packing. I usually like to take a fine weight yarn and to plan a project to be worked with circular needles. I also like to choose something with either an easily remembered stitch pattern or very small charts taped on a piece of cardboard that will be easy to prop up in a convenient location.

For a recent vacation as I was planning my knitting for the trip I checked the Air Canada site. They showed on their site that accepted items include:
  • Plastic knitting needles with rounded tips (except for itineraries including the UK)
I started looking around on the Internet as I have mainly bamboo and some Addi turbos as well as old metal needles that belonged to my Mother and Grandmothers. I was thinking I'd buy a set for my vacation project. It was a lace shawl BTW. 

I found Boye has plastic circular knitting needles and they are available in a size range of 10.5 to 19 US  (Too big). I also found Crystalites which are acrylic and start at size 8 US (Too big again). Even the Denise interchangeables appear to start at size 5 US. I'd never noticed before that small sizes of plastic needles only come as DPN's. I'm guessing that it is because they would break too easily.

In the end I took a bamboo set which is what I always do and put a life line through all of my stitches just in case I had any problems. 

ETA: I had no problems and no challenges from security. I guess they don't read their own rules. I knit on both flights there and back.