Have you ever thought about how you learn and how that may be affecting your knitting? It is not news to most of us that we have preferences in how we like to receive new information.
You can take a test here to determine your learning style.
Once you know your style you can use that information to improve your learning opportunities.
You can see that I am very visual so charts and diagrams work for me but not at all aural so music and rhymes will not help me to learn. I'm high on the physical learning which makes sense as I am a swatcher. I think we know many knitters do not enjoy swatching but most designers do. I also lean towards solitary learning. That one was a surprise to me because I'm very social and extroverted but it is true that I like to sit down alone and work things out by myself. I also love teaching classes, however when I took classes I often worked through the notes again when I was alone. I thought I was doing that to reinforce my learning but after doing the test I think maybe I didn't understand my own motivation for re- reading class notes. I do know I always want good notes as reference from every class I take.
What about you? What's your learning style and how will you use that to improve your knitting?