Maintaining a Knitting Blog

A number of us at the Pro-Knitters group have blogs. You can find them all here.

and Kate also posts on the Knitty blog,
Bernice ,
Fiona doesn't have her own blog but is a regular contributor to the Twist Collective Blog.
After much discussion about the blogging process, it turns out that I'm the only one who usually has blog posts written well in advance. I started writing ahead two years ago after my Dad was in hospital and I had to post that I wouldn't be writing at all for a while. At the time I'm writing this, I have 25 posts scheduled and 46 more in draft status. My goal is to post regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. By writing ahead I can be sure I have things scheduled. I often move post dates around as more current topics come up. I try to stay 2 - 3 weeks ahead on the interviews as they take a fair bit of formatting time I frequently reread posts before they go up to try to catch typo's and grammatical errors. I have a bad habit of writing very long run on sentences and I have to fix them frequently. I was surprised to hear that I am the only one who works ahead. I end up writing as ideas occur to me which is why I have so many drafts waiting to be finished. Often I just put down notes about the kernel of an idea and then will come back later, flesh out the post and search for a photo that works with my topic. Working ahead like this means that I never end up feeling pressured to write when the inspiration isn't there. It also gives me time to focus on other areas of my business with out having to stop to maintain my posting schedule.