A Knitters Concept of Time

Have you noticed that knitters have a different concept of time?  We are typically more patient when waiting for appointments or while traveling from place to place, (as long as we have our knitting with us).

Almost always, the first question from a non knitter is, how long did it take? I think that the longer one knits the less we consider the time component involved in every project. The only exception is when the project has a defined time line like a date for gifting or a publication deadline. Then we go into total denial about how long it will take to knit a given item.

I suspect knitters as compared to the rest of the population, have a better grasp on the concept that tiny actions add up to massive results.They squeeze small amounts of knitting into the little free moments of unoccupied time in their lives and end up with something fantastic!

However the paradox I've just discovered in my theory of a knitters concept of time, turned up when I started an updated list of my stash and suddenly I'm feeling so much yarn...so little time.