An Interview with....Ilga Leja

Once a week I post interviews with interesting designers about their insights on their experience of working in the Knitting industry. I’ve noticed that every designer makes their living in a slightly different manner bringing their own unique presence to the Knitting world.

You can find Ilga here

Where do you find inspiration?

The short answer would be “Everywhere”. But no matter where I get inspiration, whether it’s from nature or a fashion runway model or a work of art, none of it takes on any meaning until I have some yarn in my hands. In the end, it is the yarn itself which gives shape to my design ideas. A friend of mine, and a fellow knitwear designer (Jane Thornley) talks about “yarn whispering”. And that is what I do, listen to the whispers of the yarn.

What is your favourite knitting technique?

I don’t have a favourite knitting technique. There are so many to love. Currently I am experimenting with short rows and am fascinated with how this simple technique can alter the structure of a garment. I like to see movement in a piece of knitting and short rows are a fascinating way to introduce movement.

How did you determine your size range?

First I started out offering sizes from Small to Extra Large. Then I began to hear from both ends of that size range. There were those who wanted to see the Extra Small size and those who wanted the Extra Extra Large sizes. I have now sized some pieces up to 4X. But I also consider the piece itself and decide on which sizes it would suit and then size accordingly.

Do you look at other designers work or are you afraid that you will be influenced by their designs?

I am always looking at the work of other designers, both knitwear designers and fashion designers, as well as textile artists in general. There is no question that I am influenced by their work. I am in awe of some of the amazing work that is being done by so many outstanding designers who are pushing knitting into new directions. I hope that I don’t copy any of them, in the same way that I hope that they don’t copy my work. But being influenced and inspired by the work of others is something different. We can celebrate each other’s gifts and inspire each other instead.

How do you feel about the so called controversy of "dumbing down" patterns for knitters?

I have a lot of respect for knitters and for their capabilities. Some of my patterns can be challenging for some knitters. But I include extensive directions and tips for knitters to help them over the trouble spots along the way. There is no reason that a knitter with good basic skills can’t create an item of exceptional beauty.For me, knitting is an art form, an exploration into self-expression and creativity, in the same way that painting or sculpture are art forms. So whatever it takes to make that a reality for a knitter, from the place where that knitter is at a particular time, then that’s what is needed.

How many sample/test knitters do you have working for you or do you do it all yourself?

I have a number of different sample/test knitters who work for me at different times. The number varies as people move on with their lives and as I have a need for more or fewer knitters. I no longer try to do it all myself. Because I don’t do custom, production work, I only need knitters to work up a single sample or test a single pattern at a time. So I may be working with up to 3 or 4 knitters at any given time. Nevertheless, I still work up many of the original samples myself because I tend to “design on the needles”. And because I just love to knit.

Did you do a formal business plan?

I have a very “fluid” business plan. I developed it in a step-by-step manner, doing research and creating an overall plan. But the plan is under constant review and it changes as circumstances and the general economic environment changes. I actually enjoy that about having a plan. And because it is my own business, I can make the changes I want to make with having to consult only one person (i. e., myself). We have lots of interesting business discussions, myself and I.The basic mission of my plan continues to be the cornerstone that doesn’t change. And that is to experience delight, both for myself in the creation of the designs and for others who re-create those designs.

Do you have a mentor?

I have had many mentors along the way. The one I would like to give special mention to is Lucy Neatby. She has been the resource of so much generosity and support as I was starting out in this business. And she continues to be a good friend. I feel very fortunate to have such an experienced teacher and designer who is willing to share her knowledge with me as I try to find my own way.

Do you have a business model that you have emulated?

I have followed many of the recommendations and suggestions that Lucy Neatby gave me. But I don’t try to do what Lucy does. I have, of course, done my research and looked to see how other successful designers have developed their businesses. But in the end, I have come up with my own approach.

What impact has the Internet had on your business?

The impact of the Internet is immeasurable. I can’t even imagine what my design business would have looked like without the Internet, since it was the integral piece of my business plan. It has shaped my business more than any other single factor.

Do you use a Tech Editor?

Yes. I learned after I released my first pattern—which I was sure was perfect in every detail and then found out that it wasn’t—that having a Tech Editor was not a luxury. It is a necessity.

How do you maintain your life/work balance?

Since I have left my day job to take up designing full-time, I have been able to achieve a much better life/work balance. I work out of my own home which means that I can be more available for any immediate family/household needs as they arise. At the same time, I can incorporate my knitting work into my daily home and personal life.

How do you deal with criticism?

I try to view any criticism as impersonally as possible. Sometimes that is difficult. But I have found that not becoming defensive has been the better approach. I look at what is being criticized rather than thinking of it as a criticism of myself as a designer. Then I can make improvements. Flattery and compliments are very nice, of course. But it is criticism which has caused me to learn and to improve my work.

How long did it take for you to be able to support yourself?

I would have to say that I am not there yet. I am fortunate in that I don’t have to rely on the knitting business for 100% of my income. But it is my aim to make it become that 100% eventually.

What advice would you give someone who wants to pursue a career in knitting?

If you love it, do it.

Tips for Making Fringe

I recently made fringe for a shawl. You can find the basic instructions here
I have a few more tips to add about the initial cutting of the fringe. I use a VCR tape or a small hard cover book to wrap the yarn around. Some sources recommend cardboard but it bends as you wrap making the fringes vary too much in length. I use the short side for simple fringe and the long side for the knotted variety. I try to keep a consistent tension on the yarn as I wrap as some yarns can stretch quite a bit but then they pop back after they are cut. I also place a knitting needle against the tape and wrap the yarn over it. Once I finish wrapping I pull the needle out so I have room to slip the tip of my scissors under the yarn wraps before cutting.
When placing the fringe along the edge of my knitting I keep the same amount of space between each fringe even either by counting the stitches or by using a finger as a measuring tool. Another technique for placement is to put one fringe at each end and then fold the edge in half matching fringe to fringe and placing the next fringe at the halfway point. As each new fringe is added you match it to another and place the next one in the center.
Happy fringing!

Disrespect for Knitters

The issue of disrespect for knitting has been discussed many times amongst my knitting friends. Most often we simply accept that the non-knitting world just doesn't "get" us and move on. I think that the strength of the knitting community may be partially related to this lack of respect, as we search out others that share our values and validate our goals.

Sally Melville wrote about it here in her Sept 1, 2009 posting. She questioned "Why are we relegated to a stereotype: the non-active, elderly, usually female, person-without-anything-better-to-do."

I've always labeled it as a slightly more politically correct form of sexism. I work in a very sexist industry and my knitting is viewed in a derisive manner by most of my colleagues. If I responded in a similar way about their interests I would expect to be considered very rude. I'm generally seen as "artistic" due to my interests in ballet, theatre and art but those interests don't seem to invite the mockery that my knitting does.

On the Yarn Harlots blog,  August 13 2009

Stephanie Pearl-McPhee  says that during Sock Summit " We learned that sexism is (in case you were wondering) alive and well in the world. We'd wondered throughout the entire process if it was our imagination that we weren't being taken very seriously, but thought that it was the topic that was throwing people off. (Fair enough. Knitting is often not taken very seriously as a business and we did complicate it by narrowing it down to socks) We were wrong. Sure, the topic didn't help, but one fine day as we were working on the summit, a service provider trying to give us advice (we won't tell you who, because the gentleman in question did better from then on, and learning should be rewarded) prefaced his information to us with the incredible statement "Ladies, young ladies. Listen to daddy..." We didn't wonder anymore if we were imagining that the fact that we had breasts was working against us. "

I have been thinking about the question of what should we learn from all of this? Do we promote ourselves and our craft (Art?) more and educate others or do we learn to relax and take our selves a little less seriously because after all what does it matter what others think? I'm going to knit anyway in spite of them.

When I see others behaving badly, I often look to my own behaviour as well to see if I'm guilty of anything similar. I am aware of how Crocheters feel the same way towards knitters that non-knitters think of us. If you are on Ravelry check this out
Generally it appears that they feel disrespected by Knitters so I guess this means that we all have to learn to be less judgmental about how others spend their time.

An Interview with....Amy O'Neill Houck

Once a week I post interviews with interesting designers about their insights on their experience of working in the Knitting industry. I’ve noticed that every designer makes their living in a slightly different manner bringing their own unique presence to the Knitting world.

You can find Amy's blog here

Where do you find inspiration?
I find inspiration everywhere--from watching what people are wearing on the street when I travel, to reading fashion magazines. (One of my secret pleasures is Teen Vogue--especially the back-to-school issue). I live in Alaska, and the natural world is a constant inspiration. For instance, my Alpine Frost Scarf was inspired by the frost forming on my living room windows forming in a pretty pattern.

What is your favourite knitting technique?

I love provisional cast-ons because they allow knitting to go in more than one direction. I use it to make draw-string casings --like in a pair of pants and a skirt I designed for Knits for Bears to Wear--and to start something in the middle rather than the top or bottom--like in the Pleated Vest I designed for Blue Sky Alpacas.

How did you determine your size range?
I like my range to be as wide as possible. I design my garment as a women's medium, usually, and then scale up and down from there. If I'm designing for publication then the range is determined by the publisher. My designs usually focus on interesting construction techniques and flattering silhouettes rather than fancy stitch-work, so grading my patterns isn't usually too hard.

Do you look at other designers work or are you afraid that you will be influenced by their designs?
I love looking at other designers' work! I'm an editor for a British crochet magazine called Inside Crochet, so looking out for what other designers are doing is part of my job. I don't worry about being influenced at all. I find I have plenty of ideas to create my own designs, and if I'm inspired by, say a collar on someones sweater, it may end up inspiring me to make a pair of mittens the following year, and that's how creativity works.

How do you feel about the so called controversy of "dumbing down" patterns for knitters?
I haven't heard about that controversy! I write patterns for things that I would like to wear, and I use techniques that keep me interested while I'm knitting. Luckily, my designs seem to entertain and please other knitters too, but I don't purposefully try and write easy or hard patterns. What I DO try and write are clear, easy to understand patterns with lots of visual aids (schematics, charts) and patterns which have an open framework and allow the knitter to easily adapt the pattern to her own specific fit, using her own yarn choices.

How many sample/test knitters do you have working for you or do you do it all yourself?
I have none working for me right now. My focus has been on writing books and editing over the last year, and so my rate of producing designs has slowed a little. I do love working with contract crocheters and knitters, but I prefer when they live close by to me so I can help them along and make sure that their work is to my specifications before they get to far. Even when I work with contractors, I always like to do my own finishing.

Did you do a formal business plan?
I did not. Frankly, it's not practical for me to make designing my full time work right now because that involves too much travel, and I have small children and live in a remote part of the world. But I do love that the work I do is work I love!

Do you have a mentor?
Not exactly, but I have great respect for knitters who have made their businesses, especially Cat Bordhi and Annie Modesitt--both of these women are mentors in that they love to help newcomers and they trumpet the rights and abilities of designers to make a living and do it well on their own. Annie Modesitt also accepted my first design for publication, and Cat Bordhi allowed me to take her amazing classes when I was a crochet designer but very new to knitting, then she has encouraged me ever since to peruse my publishing goals.

Do you have a business model that you have emulated?

What impact has the Internet had on your business?
I would have no business without the Internet. I started writing my blog in 2005, and soon after discovered Kim Werker's Kim accepted my designs, and I decided that was enough for me to start calling myself a designer. From there almost all the work I sought and received was through the Internet.

Do you use a Tech Editor?
Absolutely. I also am a technical editor but I never tech edit my own work.

How do you maintain your life/work balance?
What is this thing called balance? :-) Really, I let life come first, and I fit my designing in around it. Luckily, I have time and a wonderful situation where I don't have to design any more than I have time for.

How do you deal with criticism?
I'm happy to receive constructive criticism. I usually ignore insult, if possible, but of course, it hurts. I haven't had to deal with it much. I don't think of corrections as criticism. I don't love ever having errors in patterns, but I'm thrilled when someone finds one because it means I can correct it.

How long did it take for you to be able to support yourself?
As I said, I can't support myself or my family on my design income. Unfortunately, designers are not paid enough where any but a few can make a full time living at it. Those who do, have a delicate balancing act of designing, writing books, traveling to teach which takes much more than a full time job. I applaud them, but I'm not able to do that, and I don't think I'd want to travel that much. I do love to teach, and I teach here in my town where we have an amazingly talented group of fiber artists. I'm looking forward to learning more about teaching Internet classes so I can offer my classes to others without traveling.

What advice would you give someone who wants to pursue a career in knitting?
Just start! There's always room for more talented knitting and crochet designers. And if you're a crochet designer looking to start submitting designs, e-mail me with some sketches and swatches. We're always interested in hearing about new people.

All photographs were provided by Amy O'Neil Houck

Patience and your Knitting

I regularly read Gretchen Rubin's blog. You can find her here She often writes about situations where opposites are true. She quotes Niels Bohr: “There are trivial truths and great truths. The opposite of a trivial truth is plainly false. The opposite of a great truth is also true.”

"Familiarity breeds contempt" versus "absence makes the heart grow fonder" would be a good example of this type of oppositional truth.

I have recently noticed that as I get older I get both more and less patient with others. I'm completely patient with my Dad who suffers from Mixed Dementia but far less so with a divorcing colleague or friend that is behaving badly due to a falling out with a mutual friend. I've discovered that dealing with them all is equally exhausting. Yet I end up feeling virtuous after dealing with my Dad's repetitive questions and the fear that is created by his confusion. With the others I'm annoyed that I'm being drawn into their drama's and that they have a negative impact on my life that I don't want to let in.

What does all of this have to do with knitting you were about to ask??

Well it got me thinking about why I love some techniques and hate others for example Intarsia versus Fair Ilse or Mosaic stitch. I can create beautiful fabric in all three methods. It's all knitting which typically soothes me. I'm a technique junkie but once I'm working on a new design I sometimes use the techniques I already know well rather than swatching every potential technique. Yet I can happy swatch for hours learning new things if I'm not working on a specific project. I get impatient once there is a project in mind, but why? I also notice that so many Knitters hate to do their own finishing, yet they had the patience to knit for months on a project and are too impatient to spend a few hours weaving in ends and blocking so that they can enjoy the end result. Non- Knitters often cite their lack of patience as the reason that they don't knit so clearly the rest of the world sees Knitters as supremely patient.

What do you think, do you have any insights on this?

Why You Don't Like the Sweater You Just Knit

This happens to all knitters at some point. We take the time to choose a pattern, pick out a yarn in a lovely colour and start to knit. Weeks??? or perhaps months later we cast off, do the finishing and block the garment ready to wear it and proudly show off our talents.

Then we stand in front of our mirror feeling lost and hopeless because it's not the sweater of our imagination. So where did you go wrong?

Did you pick a colour of yarn totally alien to the rest of your wardrobe? It's not that unusual to see Knitters admiring beautiful yarns in colours that don't fall into the palette of what they wear or in a colour that is not flattering to them personally. The colour of the sample is always the first colour to sell out in a yarn shop so your LYS staff know that you are admiring the garment and not really thinking through how it will look on you.

Did you substitute the pattern yarn with an appropriate match of fiber and gauge? This situation is becoming more frequent as Knitters are buying patterns to stash bust the yarn they already have. Yarn substitutions are always possible, however the Knitter does need to understand that the work may not be an exact replica of the original. Sometimes the knitted item is lovely but because it is different or unexpected from the original we are not happy with the end result.

Did you choose a pattern that flatters your body shape. Just because the garment looks great on the model who is a 34 bust and 6" taller than normal women doesn't mean it will look good on everyone. Think about the most flattering items in your wardrobe is this pattern anything like other things you wear?

Did you knit an item appropriate to your personal style? Are you a twin set girl and the pattern is an Asian inspired asymmetrical style? If it is think twice before casting on or consider modifying to be closer to your personal style.

Did you knit an item appropriate to your personal lifestyle? Did you choose an over sized sweater suitable to be worn with jeans and hiking boots for long walks in the country on cool fall days but you live in a city and socialize with serious fashionista's who wear sharp tailored clothing?

Did you understand the way the garment fit? Sometimes the photo's do lie! The stylist pinned the garment at the back so you think there is waist shaping or negative ease and in reality the garment is one big box in shape. Carefully review the schematic and the instructions to make sure you are knitting what you think you are.

An interview with...Kathy Zimmerman

Once a week I post interviews with interesting designers about their insights on their experience of working in the Knitting industry. I’ve noticed that every designer makes their living in a slightly different manner bringing their own unique presence to the Knitting world.

Where do you find inspiration?
My favorite vacation spot is Cape May, NJ. The combination of the sand, sun, sea air and surf re-energizes me.I love to swatch while relaxing at the beach or on the deck. Some of my best ideas happen there -- perhaps it is the ambience of the seashore, the fact that I'm more relaxed or that I have time to finesse ideas. The architecture of the Victorian houses and gardens provide inspiration for creating original stitch pattern combinations (textures, ribs & cables). I also love pattern stitch dictionaries with charts, taking components and re-configuring them. Try turning charts upside down for a new way of looking at stitches!

What is your favourite knitting technique?
I love to do cables, ribs, textures, and lace, usually working with a single color, sometimes a second color as an accent or edging. My favorite colorwork technique is slip stitch.

How did you determine your size range?
As a yarn shop owner assisting knitters on a daily basis, it is clear that knitters come in all shapes & sizes. Each of us has a challenge of some sort with fit. I try to provide a wide range of sizes that can easily be adapted for length, generally 36" finished chest for a small frame to 52" - 56" for larger frames. The sizes are usually in 4" increments (36" - 40" - 44" , etc.), but that is determined by the pattern stitch and gauge. If the pattern repeat requires a large multiple of stitches, then less sizes are possible. I try to have extra "filler" space at the sides (reverse stockinette, seed, texture pattern with a small repeat multiple)to accommodate possibilities for a variety of sizes.

Do you look at other designers work or are you afraid that you will be influenced by their designs?
I prefer to "do my own thing" and be as original as I possible can be. I tend to prefer classic, timeless styles rather than trendy as I find that my shop customers prefer this, and this is what I seem to do best. Sometimes, something in ready to wear in a magazine will catch my eye and, although that is a starting point to spark an idea, the resulting concept usually winds up quite different from the original inspiration piece. When doing freelance work, the editor generally provides a theme or general idea of what they are looking for in a particular magazine issue or pattern collection.

How do you feel about the so called controversy of "dumbing down" patterns for knitters?
I try to write patterns as clearly as possible. Most of my designs that are accepted for publications are intermediate level and beyond. Any "dumbing down" is usually done by the tech editor. My personal opinion is that knitters should be challenged to learn something new with each project, and "stretch" by skill-building. Clear directions with good illustrations may help the knitter's confidence level while "keeping it simple".

How many sample/test knitters do you have working for you or do you do it all yourself?
I am blessed to have two sample knitters plus a couple of "shop gals" who help out periodically. There is no way I can do everything myself and I appreciate their support. They make me "look good" and provide an invaluable service in test knitting for accuracy.

Did you do a formal business plan?
I wish I could say yes, but I'm very busy. I do have a schedule and notes of what needs done handwritten on a large legal pad and this old-fashioned way works best for me.

Do you have a mentor?
Three, in fact. I learned about traditional fisherman knit cables from classes with Alice Starmore; about pattern presentation by test knitting for Michelle Rose Orne; and Kristin Nicholas guided me on my freelance designing career by introducing my work to major knitting editors and to the knitting public through Classic Elite Yarn collections.

Do you have a business model that you have emulated?
Not in the fashion field. My husband and father-in-law were most helpful to me in building my yarn shop business, which paved the way for my design career.

What impact has the Internet had on your business?
The Internet has expanded communication throughout the knitting world. I have two "Kathy Zimmerman" groups on Ravelry -- one for my yarn shop "We Love Kathy's" and one for my designs, the "Kathy Zimmerman group". There are several "knit alongs" for my projects. Many of my designs from back issues of Interweave Knits and Interweave Press publications are now available from their on line stores, which helps to perpetuate popular designs, making them available to new knitters. I would say that the Internet had broadened the horizon.

Do you use a Tech Editor?
Not directly. My knitters test knit model garments, and check the pattern along the way. I provide copies of my worksheets to magazines and yarn companies along with my projects, for tech editing by their respective editors.

How do you maintain your life/work balance?
It becomes increasingly difficult, as deadlines frequently tend to "clump" around trade show dates and new yarn availability.I make time for an early summer and late fall vacation with my husband and pet Siamese cat, usually at the beach. Most of my friends are knitters, and my relaxation and socializing involves meeting informally with them to knit.

How do you deal with criticism?
I think anyone who truly cares about their work is sensitive to criticism. It depends on whether the criticism is knitting-related or personal. If it is knitting-related and the criticism involves a problem with a pattern or an error, then I do my best to correct the problem on an individual basis. If the criticism becomes personal, mean-spirited, or hurtful, dealing with it becomes more challenging. You can only continue to do what you do best. If possible, concentrate on turning the negative into something positive. There are some people that will always be hard to please.

How long did it take for you to be able to support yourself?
I've been designing since 1986, owned a yarn shop since 1980. It takes designing commissions & royalties, yarn shop income, and teaching workshops (travel involved 3 - 4 times per year) to be able to support myself. It took about 10 years to start making a profit.

What advice would you give someone who wants to pursue a career in knitting?
My best advice is the old adage: "Don't quit your day job". Have another source of income to rely on, as design opportunities can be sporadic. Also, learn your craft well. I began by knitting model garments for established designers, developing skills just as I did when I began to knit (one skill at a time). This industry is all about nurturing relationships. Editors and design co-coordinators frequently change jobs from company to company -- they remember those who can make deadlines, are meticulous about the presentation of their work, and have attention to detail. It's
good to have friends.

What If ?

I have more idea's for knitting than I can get down on paper or on to my needles. When I teach creativity in my design classes I work with students on techniques to generate ideas.

These are the two most important words for stimulating creativity.

What if ?

Take an existing garment and ask these questions.

What if I made it longer?

What if I make it a different colour?

What if I used a hand painted yarn?

What if I change the neckline?

What if I use a different yarn than the pattern called for?

What if I changed the silhouette?

What if.......Just keep going and by the time you are done you will have a totally different garment design to knit.

What not to Knit

This falls under the category of I have to share.

Take a look at this blog for many more examples of What not to Knit! and a few other items that are just as amusing.

An Interview with...Candace Eisner Strick

Once a week I post interviews with interesting designers about their insights on their experience of working in the Knitting industry. I’ve noticed that every designer makes their living in a slightly different manner bringing their own unique presence to the Knitting world.

You can find Candace at

Where do you find inspiration?

I usually find inspiration right inside my own head. Although of course the ideas probably do come from something I've seen somewhere. I like to look through the ready-to-wear clothes catalogs, and sometimes I find a little something that I would like to incorporate into one of my designs.

What is your favourite knitting technique?

I don' really have a favorite. When I'm knitting cables I think I could happily knit them for the rest of my life; when I'm knitting Fair Isle I think the same thing, and the list goes on and on. For me to be happy, I have to knit a variety of techniques.

How did you determine your size range?

The garment dictates to me what size range it will be in. I usually knit a small to fit myself, and then decide from there how many other sizes I will offer.

Do you look at other designers work or are you afraid that you will be influenced by their designs?

I do look at other designers, and usually what I see is how THEY have been influenced by someone else. It's much the same in the musical world; Mozart was influenced by Haydn, Brahms by Beethoven, Bernstein by Copeland. It's not that they were purposely trying to imitate anyone; this stuff just happens.

How do you feel about the so called controversy of "dumbing down" patterns for knitters?

I don't think of it as dumbing down. A good pattern writer should be able to write a difficult technique in such a way that it is understandable. I publish my own patterns, so I have carte blanche to take as much paper and ink as I feel is necessary in order to write a pattern that can be understood by everyone.

How many sample/test knitters do you have working for you or do you do it all yourself?

Most of it I do by myself. Once in awhile I use someone to knit a design I've already knit myself, just to make sure everything is worded correctly, or I ask them to knit it in another size.

Did you do a formal business plan?

Do you mean I set out each year to sell x number of patterns? If this is what you mean, no. I do what I am inspired to do. If it works, fine. If it doesn't, then it's back to the drawing board.

Do you have a mentor?


Do you have a business model that you have emulated?


What impact has the Internet had on your business?

I have an Internet site for my retailers to buy my yarn/patterns for their stores. It works great, as I don't have to take phone calls all day. It also allows customers of theirs to go to my website and see what they would like the shop to order for them.

Do you use a Tech Editor?

I don't have any one person I use all the time. Some of my test knitters I could call tech editors.

How do you maintain your life/work balance?

It's very hard. I tend to work 24/7, even when I'm away. In this kind of labor intensive business, if one doesn't work 24/7, very little gets done.

How do you deal with criticism?

Like most people, I don't like ignorant criticism. If it's an intelligent critique, I welcome it. For instance, someone wrote a review of my last book and said something very stupid about the color of the yarn that I used in the sweater on the cover. This is just plain criticism that has no point; it's her own personal opinion. For everyone negative comment she makes about a color, there are probably 100 other people out there who LIKE the color.

How long did it take for you to be able to support yourself?

I really doubt that if it was totally up to me to support myself right now in the lifestyle I am used, I would not be successful. Right now it seems like most of the profit I make goes right back into the business.

What advice would you give someone who wants to pursue a career in knitting?

It's not as easy and romantic as you think. I always talk to people who think I have the most wonderfully romantic job in the world, that I get to travel all over, see so many things, etc. Yes, part of that is true, but they don't see the other side of it, getting up at 4 AM to catch a 6 AM flight across country, dragging my 100 pounds of luggage behind me with a pack on my back weighing 50 pounds. They don't see me "sleeping" in O'Hare airport because of a cancelled flight, then having to teach 6 hours the next morning at 8:30AM. They don't see the missed meals, the noisy hotel rooms, the lost luggage, the sometimes challenging students, etc. They don't see the $10,000+ health insurance premiums I have to pay because I am self-employed, nor do they see the retirement contributions I have to carefully set aside, because no one is giving me a pension when I retire. There are downsides, of course, but the positive parts of it make it all worth while. I will never make money doing it, but success is not determined by how much money one makes. Success is determined by how much you want to get out of bed in the morning and get going with your work. I never dread getting up and going to work!!!Would I trade it for a 9-5 desk job? No way!